Tuesday, January 31, 2017

week 4 (for online and print)

QT= quick turn-around story - very short deadline
P= photos needed with story
V= Video Assignment available
I = Infographic available
H= Headshots
News (Andrew) 
-Enrollment drop (Sarah) 
-Fareed Zakariah event on Feb. 28 at 8 p.m. (Kabrul)
-DASB Senate meeting on Feb. 1 at 3 p.m. (Yane)
-Election stuff (Nick)

Sports (Andrew)
-Basketball (w), Friday Feb. 3 at 5 p.m. vs. Foothill (P)
-Basketball (w), Friday Feb. 17 at 5 p.m. vs. Cabrillo (Nick) (P)
-Basketball (m), Wednesday Feb. 1 at 7 p.m. vs. WV (Jarra) (Virgillio) 
-Basketball (m), Friday Feb. 3 at 7 p.m. vs SJC (P)
-Basketball (m), Friday Feb. 17 at 7 p.m. vs Cabrillo (Natalie) (P)
-Softball, Tuesday Jan. 31 at 3 p.m. vs Cabrillo (Sarah + preview) 
-Softball, Friday Feb. 3 at 12 p.m. vs. Porterville (P)
-Softball, Saturday Feb. 4 at 11 a.m. vs. Solano (P)

Features (Aysha and Jasmin) 
-Cinequest (Natalie) (Nick video) 
-HEFAS profile (Kunal) 
-Work struggle (Emily D.)

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

week 3 (for online and print)

QT= quick turn-around story - very short deadline
P= photos needed with story
V= Video Assignment available
I = Infographic available
H= Headshots

News- Andrew 
-DASB Candidate info meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 25 at 2:30 (Nick, Omar, Mustafa, Emily) 
-Enrollment drop
-DASB Senate meeting (Yane and Kunal) 

Features - Jasmin and Aysha 
-Jose Vargas - undocumented immigrant speaking about immigrant rights on Tuesday Jan. 31 at 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. (P) (Elsabete)
-First Thursday open mic on Feb. 1 at 5-7 p.m. (Shaun) (P)
-Massage Therapy (Natalie) 
-Club Day - Thursday Jan. 26 11:30-1 pm. (P) (Jamie)
-Campus Camp - training for student activists preview

Valentines Day Ideas: 
-Romantic moves (Virgilio) 
-Places to go/avoid (Trisha) 
-DA Voices, best and worst valentines (Emily L)
-Playlists (Sarah) 
-Cinematic kisses (Natalie) 
-Long Distance (Sarah) 
-Casual dating (Sarah) 
-Memes (Nick) 
-Grindr/Tinder tips (Jon)
-Types of gifts/DIY gifts (Nessa
-Favorite cultural couples (Rachel)          

Opinions- Neil 
-H1B1 visas (Jon) 
-'Fuck' Madonna (Kabrol) 
-Protests (Omar and Nick?)
-Senate voting (Sarah) 
-Oak Shopping Center (Trisha) 
-Punching Nazis (Kunal) 
-VTA Next Network (Vince) 

Sports (Andrew) 
-Cheerleading competitions/season preview (Rachel) (P)
-Softball preview (Sarah) (P)
-Baseball preview (Kunal) (P)
-Games all @ De Anza:
  • Basketball women's at 5 p.m.: Feb. 1 vs Mission (Terry), Feb. 3 vs Foothill, Feb. 17 vs Cabrillo
  • Basketball men's at 7 p.m.: Feb. 1 vs West Valley, Feb. 3 vs San Jose City, Feb. 17 vs Cabrillo

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

week 2 (for online and print)

QT= quick turn-around story - very short deadline
P= photos needed with story
V= Video Assignment available
I = Infographic available
H= Headshots

News- Andrew 
-Surprise DASB Senate budget committee meeting? What happened?
-Police respond to gunman on campus (Emily) 
-4% enrollment drop 

Features - Jasmin and Aysha 
-Ali Ahmed profile (Virgilio) (P)
-Trump tweets Tuesday (Kubal) (P)
-Women Empowerment Club attending Women's March Saturday 10 a.m. at San Jose City Hall 
-Club Karaoke on Thursday at 11:30 a.m. (Jarra) (P)

 Opinions- Neil
-Oak Shopping Center - What's up with the shopping center across Stevens Creek from De Anza? Would you miss Hobee's, Thai Square, Coffee Society, etc.?
-Chelsea Manning (Andrew) 
-Milo Yiannopolis Tour (Omar and Jasmin)

Video- Chuckie
-Euphrat (Mustafa) 
-Update on Flint Garage (Dominic) 
-Women's march 

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

week 1 (for online and print)

QT= quick turn-around story - very short deadline
P= photos needed with story
V= Video Assignment available
I = Infographic available
H= Headshots

News- Andrew 
-Construction on campus: "The Trench" (P) (Aimee and Sarah) 
-DASB Senate meeting, Jan. 18 at 3:30 p.m. (Kunal) 
-Aleppo candlelight vigil on Jan. 12 at 5:30 p.m. (P) (Rachel and Terry) 

Features - Jasmin and Aysha 
-Women empowerment club profile (P) Dominic
-Language center (Vanessa) 
-De Anza student ID hacks (Jon) 
-Study abroad (London and Kenya) (Emily) 
-Decolonize your diet: Jan. 12 in Conf. Room A and B, 12:30-1:30 p.m. (Nick) 
-De Anza people playing piano (Alex) 

Sports- Andrew
-Men's basketball season preview (Vince) 
-Men's basketball vs. Hartnell on Jan. 18 at 7 p.m. (Terry)
-Men's basketball vs. Gavillan on Jan. 20 at 7 p.m. 
- Women's basketball season preview (Sarah) 
-Women's basketball vs. Hartnell on Jan. 18 at 5 p.m. (Virgilio)
-Women's basketball vs. Gavillan on Jan. 20 at 5 p.m.

 Opinions- Neil
-DA voices: Inauguration (will you watch, why?) (Mustafa, Omar)
-Minimum wage (Cupertino response, also compare across board) (Shaalu) 
-De Anza's Clubs