Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Stories Assigned April 30 (for Issue 24)

Bolded stories are still available

NEWS (contact Nathan Mitchell)

May 1 DASB senate meeting @ 3:30 pm
DASB senate elections - KELSEY
Veterans & higher unemployment rates - ROMA

FHDA enrollment drop

FEATURES (contact Jannelle Garcia)

Color Run Preview - DEEANNE
May Day: A2K Human Rights Movements (May 1, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.) @ De Anza
First Thursday: Open Mic, May 7 - KELSEY
IMMIGRATION RIGHTS (needs photos): May Day march , 5 p.m., May 1, Mountain View
Picture for Art Show Preview: QT, Thursday 5 p.m. - BAO

OPINIONS (contact Ben Pacho)

UC Irvine/UC Berkeley Divestment - RUSSELL
Legal immunity for internet companies = CISPA - ANGEL
Internet tax bill/$24 billion in new revenue - JOSE
"Comedian in Chief" - LYDIA

SPORTS (contact Rajvir Kaur or Radhika Iyer)

Profile on Track's Erin Fisher - SOO
Profile on DA Cheer Squad - PATTY
Jason Collins & gay teammates? (interview athletes) - BOA
Profile on Debi Schafer-Braun
Mini Profile on Jeff Forman @ Massage Therapy - MAGGIE
Badminton Championship  Friday May 3rd and Saturday May 4th @ De Anza - KATE (photos needed)

BEAT (Contact Lydia Tuan)

DA Voices - If you were a font, what would you be and why?
"How to" Column - How to get over a college rejection
"Open Letter" Column - Person of choice, be humorous, can be real or fake - JANAY
Thing of the Week - Facebook HOME

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Stories Assigned April 23

Bolded stories are still available

NEWS (contact Nathan Mitchell)

AB 806- 50 percent law- JANAY
AB 955- Different costs for classes- JESSICA
AB 1291- Internet privacy- GENIE
Brown's unit cap voted- CARLA
DASB Senate meeting, April 26, Wed 3:30 p.m.- SOO
Muslim and Jewish Dialogue- April 26, Wed 12:30- 2:30 p.m.

FEATURES (contact Jannelle Garcia)

"Making books come alive" panel discussion- Thurs 25, 12:30 to 2 p.m.
Club Day- Thurs 11 a.m.- 1 p.m.
Outdoor movie "Wreck it Ralph"- Thurs 8 p.m.
Mini Profile- Employee of the month- KATE
Moveable Feast- April 26 5- 9 p.m.- CARLA
"How to do what you love and get a job" April 30, 3:30- 5 p.m.- JANNELLE

OPINIONS (contact Ben Pacho)

Conservation billionaires looking to buy LA Times (Tribune)- RUSSEL
Jerry Brown refuses to reduce CA prison population- ANGEL
Inaccurate reporting on Boston bombings- HAROLD
Internet privacy bill- RUBEN
Boyscouts bans gays- JANAY
De Anza ... smokefree campus?- BAOLIN

SPORTS (contact Rajvir Kaur or Radhika Iyer)

Mini-profile: Rachel Pacheco - DEEANNE
Profile: Chris & Rey Gallegose - PATTY
Profile: Soe Turner - KATE
Track all state honors- JANAY
2 former DA football players enter NFL draft- ARIE
Baseball vs. CCSF @ 2:30 p.m.
Badminton vs. Fresno CC, 4/25 @ 3 p.m.- PATTY


DA Voices: If you only had 24 hours to live, what would you do? - BAOLIN
Top 5 Column: Top 5 things to do in between classes- DEEANNE
Things of the week column: Films, music, books, hotspots, etc- SOO

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Stories Assigned April 16

Bolded stories are still available

NEWS (contact Nathan Mitchell)

DASB Senate Meeting - RADHIKA
MLC energy savings - KATE
Foothill teachers in Philipinnes - HAROLD
Electric car chargers update - RUBEN
Enrollment update (April 17, 1:30- 3 p.m.)

FEATURES (contact Jannelle Garcia)

San Pedro Square Market - ARIE
DASB canned food drive - KATE
De Anza food drive - KATE
De Anza Faculty Recital - MAGGIE
SJ Dishcrawl - BAO
Presentation/workshop on Autism & Social Learning, April 17, 4 - 5:30 p.m.
SJ Giants (local things to do)

OPINIONS (contact Ben Pacho)

Democrats lay out vision for the state - ANGEL
Anthony Weiner post scandal - JANAY
Saratoga High sexual assault- JESSICA
Republican Autopsy Report - TAYE
Bipartisan immigration bill - JOSE
Are you a "belieber?" - DEEANNE
DA Confessions

SPORTS (contact Rajvir Kaur or Vik Gupta)

Most improved baseball player - KELSEY
mini profile: Scott Hertler - JANAY
Tennis star player: women's - SOO
Last baseball home game - KELSEY
Tennis star player: men's
Track all state honors; practice 2:30 p.m.
Cheer squad/ CJ Jones


DA Voices: What would you do with 15 min of fame? - JESSICA
Fashion Column
Should we have a visible mascot? What would it be?

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Stories Assigned 4/9 (for issue coming out on 4/22)

Bolded stories are still available

NEWS (contact Nathan Mitchell)

Massage Therapy Research Study - MAGGIE
Student Success Scorecard - KATE
Community Colleges adding summer classes - MAYA
Changes to priority registration - JESSICA
Alyssa Sialaris OBIT (Sports)

FEATURES (contact Jannelle Garcia)

Closing event of Silicon Valley Read - KELSEY
Moveable Feast - NOOPUR
Stories of a Girl Exhibit Opening Reception - Soo
Music in the Quad - RUBEN
Relaxing at the Kirsch - DEEANNE
Making books come alive preview - NOOPUR
Job Fair for Artists - April 12, 10 am in A11

OPINIONS (contact Ben Pacho)

Congressional race between Mike Honda and Ro Khanna - TAYE
Veteran's backlog - CARLA
HRC logo and Facebook - ROBIN
Elite colleges fail to attract high achieving low income students - RUSSELL
Milennial Generation less well off than their parent - JOSE
"Most attractive attorney general" (Obama about Kamala Harris) - JASON

SPORTS (contact Rajvir Kaur or Vik Gupta)

Most improved freshman baseball player - NOOPUR
Most improved freshman softball player - GENIE
Baseball v. Hartnell - April 13 @12 pm
Baseball v. CCSF, April 18 @ 2:30 pm
Softball v. San Mateo, April 16 @ 3 pm
Badminton v. Mission, April 19 @ 6 pm


What would you do if you won the lottery? - BAOLIEN
Have you ever confessed on DACC? If so, what? (video) - CARLA